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Thursday, 31 July 2014

Poetry 31/7/14

I've always loved poetry; ever since my year two teacher taught us to recite the 'double, double, toil and trouble' scene from Macbeth. 
 Sometimes they turn into songs, sometimes they stay as poems. Often these are the same thing.

I write about me, I write about other people.
I write about stories. 
I write about situations that I dream about
in my head. 

My intention is to publish one a week on here,
so if you like them 
(and I hope you do) 
stay posted! 

p.s. I like to do collages with my poems. 

Here we go. 

Arty Farty: 31/7/14

This is some of my own art that I've messing around with; taking inspiration from pop culture :)

I hope you like them!

'Is this the real life
Or is this just fantasy?' 

This is from my Queen record that lives on my wall, 
depicting Freddie Mercury after he fell ill- and 
he's such a shell of his former self that you can't quite conceive
if this really is just fantasy. 

I recently saw Titanic for the first time 
(I know right)
and, consequently, 
developed a fairly large crush on Jack,
played by a young (heart breaking) 
Leonardo Di Caprio. 

So I drew a picture about it. 

Tuesday, 29 July 2014

29/7/14 What the What!

So, I just saw this in the newspaper and had to scan it... This is seriously the whole story; no article or anything:

The caption if you can't read it: 
'A giant 3.5 metre Mr Darcy sculpture of Colin Firth from Pride and Prejudice gets wet at Docklands (Melbourne) yesterday' 

Yes. It's a giant Mr Darcy from that scene: 
Why is this in Melbourne? 
Haha are those men hosing him down? 
...It's probably because he's too hot 

Oh dear I need to stop. 

I don't know the answer to any of these burning questions except: 

Monday, 28 July 2014

Literature: 29/7/14

This is my first Literature segment! 
Such yay! Much books! 
Sorry. Excitement. 

So, for a while it was so hard to choose a book that is my favourite. I'd  have like, a top three... but then I'd read a new one and it would just send my life off into a whole new orbit and disturb the order of the universe. I am still unable to get through all my favourites counting on fingers and toes... but I do have a top of the tree book that I always come back to. 

it deserves a BIG picture because of its brilliance and allure and magnitude and other fab adjectives. 
I have two copies of this edition,
about five others and I NEED
one of these in my life:

So yeah, I'm obsessed. But there's a reason. I read this gem at least every three months in order to feel
whole. It's makes you grounded. 
I know right; deep. But hear me out: 
Every single woman should read this book.
It's packed with feminism; but that's not what it's just all about. 
In fact, Miss Eyre was way ahead of her time; the first wave of feminism hadn't even happened yet.
Which means that here is a girl who has figured out her whole feminism philosophy before it even existed.
It's all about Jane's values, and how important it is to stay true to herself and to be able to 
accept who she is; without men. 
Oh yeah, there's romance. There's temptation. 
This book is juicier than a watermelon. 
I'm not going to spoil it, but lets just say the ending is WAY better that My Brilliant Career's; which is often compared with Jane Eyre. Also a really, really good book. 
But to just see how Jane handles herself and her circumstances just makes you feel so INSPIRED.  
When I read Jane Eyre I want to run for the hills and go all Maria Von Trapp with  barely contained glee: 
Yes, GIRL POWER! THE HILLS ARE ALIVE! Seriously, there should be a Spice Girls song about this book. 

But there is also eeriness and secrets and deception. 
So many questions! 
What is the mysterious Mr Rochester hiding? 
What are the noises in the big ol' Thornfield manor?

I don't know, YOU'LL HAVE TO READ IT!
(I do know, I just really want you to read it) 

Why am I still talking? 
Go and get a copy of this book in your hot little literary hands. 

Friday, 25 July 2014

My Current Top 10: 26/7/14

1. The Rocky Horror Picture Show 
Always. Get your Science Fiction Double Feature on.

2. 'Always' reminded me of Harry Potter... or as I like to call it, 'Parry Hotter'. You won't be able to stop. Sorry in advance.
HP is the best. And Neville's cardigan wins. Always. 

3. My new Carly Simon hat.
Mainly I just go around calling people vain and apricots.

4. The fact that my dog got a haircut! She sah flufffffy.

5. Tea! Current faves are Oolong Berry, Nettle and White Rose.

6. ....Which leads me to tea cosy's. Because tea deserves to be cosy. It's gross when it's like, luke warm. I'm knitting one (..not very well. There is a knitting club at school and I am literally the only high schooler that goes! But there are all these year three girls that are pretty much knitting pros. They help me out)

7. Meg Ryan's hair in Sleepless in Seattle. I've been wearing mine like this all week!                                  

8. Astragal. It has to be good if Patti Smith endorses it... and it is! Love.

9. This video clip is probably the best thing you will ever see. I watch it erryday. Just try and get through it without a GRIN.

10. Woolen tights.
These keep me warm and I can wear summery things in winter!
Downside: they are down around your knees within fifteen minutes. Ten if you run.

Some introductory words

...It is a truth universally acknowledged that every blogger in possession of a blog must be in want of followers.

And I do!

My name is Miranda, like from Picnic At Hanging Rock:

 Have you seen it? Read it? Both are beautifully eerie. The film, though, is multi-layered in 1970's dreaminess. Peter Weir shot many scenes with a veil over the lens to create that smoky fog sort of vibe. How cool is that!

Speaking of the 70's, I was born in the wrong era. Some say this is tragic. I really am a tragic. But I think this is actually a good thing because I can spread a little of the glimmer that is from a former time into the grey today.
I recently saw an article 'the golden age is now', I can't remember where it was... but it made me think about how everyone has a different golden age, and maybe we just have to make now ours. Like in that film Midnight in Paris, where Owen Wilson discovers this like, time vortex or something when he gets transported to his favourite time, 1920's Paris. But he meets a girl from this time who wishes SHE was born in a different time. And he's just like, 'seriously? Look around you!'  Mostly I was interested in it because VAN GOGH and PARIS, (yes, I judged the cover... vanity, not love, has been my folly... haha. Enough Jane Austen references.)

So this blog is just going to feature STUFF I like, because I don't know anyone except my dad who likes the same STUFF I like. I hope that I find people here who like my STUFF, and maybe other who aren't familiar with it can appreciate it and be like, 'hey. That is some pretty ace STUFF. And then consequently spread the word. Hee!

Okay, Miranda. Breeeeeeathe. Cool your jets.

So, this is how this is gonna go down:
I think I shall like to have a structure to this. I like organised chaos. Like my bedroom. Haha. I'd like to do weekly posts at least, in one of the following 'areas'. And then I'll just have some random posts too :)

1. My current top 10: 
Just a compilation of stuff that I am currently obsessed with... it changes often! Feel free to comment your own :) It will be fun, I promise!

2. Flashback Friday 
I LOVE music, especially the oldies. My local radio station does a 'Flashback Friday' so I thought I'd do my own!

3. What the What! 
In honor of the ever wise Liz Lemon (Tina Fey). Wise like an owl. I mean, what kind of GENIUS writes Mean Girls and 30 Rock!! This section will be something I find cool beans/weird/wonderful/ all of these things all at once. I am an avid finder-outerer-  I like finding out interesting facts. You know the random page finder on Wikipedia? Yeah, I use that all the time just for fun. I know.

4. Arty Farty 
Art is cool. Art is your friend. No? Oh, well it's time I introduce you. Here I'll post my own creations (I said that in a French-ish accent) and also other people's art, new and old, which I have taken a fancy too.

5. Kleidung 
This is German for clothes. I learn German at school, and I just like the sound of this word. Kl-eye-doong. It's fun and rather satisfying to say. Go on, try it. I won't judge. Anyway, I like fashion. I may post some of my own outfits and clothes that I find to be savvy or funky. 

6. Literature 
I like books. I like to find out about other books. So I'll share mine and you can share yours!
We'll have our own little book club!

That's all I can come up with for now, but if I want to add anymore I'll let you know :)

P.S. You may be wondering what 'She'll be apples' means... *in a mystical voice* whatever you want it to mean.  Haha. Not really. It's a good ol' Aussie saying, basically meaning 'it will all be ok.' I say it all the time. Trust me, it grows on you. And apples are ace. Keeping the doctor away and all that. Oh, you need further proof? Here:

 Geoffrey Rush endorses apples. Kay?

Happy Reading!
