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Thursday, 31 July 2014

Poetry 31/7/14

I've always loved poetry; ever since my year two teacher taught us to recite the 'double, double, toil and trouble' scene from Macbeth. 
 Sometimes they turn into songs, sometimes they stay as poems. Often these are the same thing.

I write about me, I write about other people.
I write about stories. 
I write about situations that I dream about
in my head. 

My intention is to publish one a week on here,
so if you like them 
(and I hope you do) 
stay posted! 

p.s. I like to do collages with my poems. 

Here we go. 


  1. This is rly good!!! How did you make that collage btw?

  2. Thank you!!
    I cut all of my images out of National Geographic mags and layer them until I'm happy with how it looks. Then just get the trusty Glue Stick out :)

    Good luck!


Please leave a comment if you feel the urge, and I will eternally be in your favour (I will make you Berry Oolong tea and shortbread)

Thank you!