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Saturday, 27 September 2014

YUM: Mint Sorbet Recipe (You're Welcome)

As the weather becomes warmer, 
the need for a refreshing afternoon snack also escalates. 

This recipe for Mint Sorbet from Donna Hay is sooo good.
It's super easy and the results are delicious! 

I'm kind of a hopeless ice cream tragic so for me this is like the best thing ever.
Have fun making your own!
(and also using a retro ice cream tin is so much cooler (PUN) and more fun ;)


1/4 cup mint leaves

3 cups (750 ml) milk

1 1/2 cups (240 g) icing sugar 
(it says to sift it.. I tried and 
lets just say my mum wasn't very happy with me haha. In the end it worked fine without doing it) 

1/4 cup (60 ml) glucose syrup 
(this stuff is super sticky but run your spoon under hot water first and it will slide right off) 

 Place the mint, milk, sugar and glucose syrup in a blender and blend until combined. 
Pour into a metal tin and freeze for 3-4 hours or until set. 
Cut the sorbet into squares and, in batches, blend until smooth. 
(make sure you do this step. I know it's tedious but seriously it looks and tastes so much better afterwards) 
Return the sorbet to the freezer for 1 hour or until ready to serve. 
Makes 1 litre. 
(I made 2 litres; just double all the quantities) 

(and dad's 'redback' sauce in the background!) 


Happy cooking!
(...or freezing?) 



  1. Looks delicious. I've never tried making ice cream before, maybe I should give it a try :)



  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


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